Prayer Blog has MOVED to Face Book

This way everybody can add the latest info. on the preemie's we are praying for. There is nothing better than being able to leave a loving message for a family in the NICU. Face book has allowed that flexibility to stay the most up to date and the most interaction between involved. We would love to have you join our group :)
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The purpose of this blog is to pray for Dreemie Preemies'.
If you have purchased a Dreemie Preemie Scrapbook bundle or even if you have not. We encourage you to post your preemie on this blog. Your baby will be prayed for by our visitors and our dedicated prayer team.

If you would like to be a part of our "Dreemie Preemie Prayer Team" e-mail and she will get your on the notification list.

We take our promise to pray very seriously.

Thank you and hope to hear from you all!

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Feel free to add a picture if you want. We would love to see who we are praying for.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We now have Gift Certificates available. So, don't forget about the Dreemie Preemie products over the Holiday's.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Babies Beckett and Bryce

the boys weighed 10.9 (Beckett) and 10.4 (Bryce) and are doing very well. We are still on monitors until at least March 11 when we go to the doctor again.

update on 11/6/08 from Melissa (Mother's Friend)

Just thought i would let you know the boys are doing wonderfully. There is a good chance that they will both be able to go home this weekend. Please be praying that they both stay healthy and that this can happen. Also, Erin is quitting her job to stay home with the boys, please be praying for her and David; as some of you know going from working full time to staying home full time can take some adjusting (both emotionally and financially). Please also just prya that God would bless this little family in the weeks, months and years ahead. I have attached there halloween pics (she got there costumes at build a bear), its too cute!

The boys are doing great! They are now one month and 5 days old. They are both eating an ounce every 3 hours. They've added a fortifier to my milk to add some calories and the boys have steadily been gaining weight on it. Bryce is 3.9 and Beckett is 3.8. Beckett has been taken off the nasal cannula today and we get to start putting clothes on them now. They really are doing so well. Bryce's doctor thinks he might be having some reflux which might explain why he's still having so many A's & B's so they've started him on Prilosec and Beckett as well but mainly to just nip anything in the bud before it starts. We are doing good. We're pretty tired most days as you can imagine but we're managing.

BRYCE (top picture) BECKETT (2nd picture)

Posted by friend of mama Erin (Melissa) here is what mom has to say...
I just wanted to let everyone know that the boys are still doing good! They are both on the vent c-pap and both are having bradycardia episodes where they will just drop their heart rate for no reason at all. Beckett is having a ton more than Bryce so I suspect he'll be put back on the vent which won't make him happy since learning he can scream at all the nurses when they mess with him. Its the sweetest but most pitiful sound I've ever heard. But they are both breathing at the very lowest oxygen setting they can be put on and stating at a 100 on oxygen so that is a great thing! The boys are gaining some weight as well. Bryce is now 2 lbs 10 oz and Beckett is 2 lbs 9 oz. The amount of breast milk they get has increased slightly and now Bryce has been moved to a 3 hour schedule instead of 4 so the little guy will probably pork up now. Beckett had his 2nd blood transfusion the other day and his doctor pulled us aside and actually confessed that they messed up on his weight so he got too much blood but not enough to compromise his health so now they are revising the way they do things for babies who get blood! So I'm a little freaked out about that! It probably explains why the little man has been so puffy this week. Poor baby can barely open his eyes they are so swollen! They are now 15 days old and I'm just in shock. When I look at them, I still can't believe they are here. Their little lives are going by so fast! I just want it to slow down so that I can soak up every second I can.I'm sorry that this bulletin is so long but I could talk about my little guys for hours and not get sick of it so thank you for reading my update!

Original Announcement:
Bryce & Beckett were born Friday night at 27.6 weeks gestation.
They are doing well and will be in the NICU until their Nov 29th due date.

Beckett Park (baby A) was born at 5:10 pm on 9-5. He weighed 2lbs 6 oz and 13 inches long. He had been breathing really well on his own since birth but is still intubated and getting some oxygen but not 100% of the time.

Bryce David (B) was born at 5:11 pm on 9-5. He weighed 2lbs 15 oz and 13 1/2 inches long. He had a little more difficulty breathing at first and was requiring a lot more oxygen but he was extubated today and is now breathing with c-pap on his own and we are so thrilled.

Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers. I will post updates as things change. We've been told that we are in the honeymoon period where things are good for right now and that there will be set backs but its to be expected so we shouldn't get upset if they have to go back on oxygen or have 'bad' days were they just need more help than they've needed. Its one day at a time right now. They are absolutely gorgeous and we are so in love with them.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bedrest Mama - Lydia

Lydia Dunn, in Nashville, is hospitalized right now. She is having twins, is not quite 28 weeks, and having lots of problems. They are trying to prevent her from going into labor, as the twins are really small yet. Her husband is in the military and scheduled to go to Iraq soon. This is their first baby (babies), and they are very scared. (As would anyone be.) She is from a Christian family and has lots of support from them, but would really appreciate our prayers.

Baby Grace

In loving Memory of Baby Grace -

Friday september 12th we were called to have a care meeting with all the doctors, a social worker and a chaplan. I thought to my self something might be bad.Sure enought the doctors made me make the biggest decison of my life. Grace had been at 100% oxygen all week and nothing they were trying was really rasing her levels to much. Thrursday I got to hold her for the first time in two weeks. I read to her and she did so good. They sadi that she was on max level of medication and respiratory therepy. They wanted us to realize that she was having brain failure and lung failure and begining to develope cist on her brain from not getting enough oxygen. They wanted us to be there if something happened to her in the middle of the night and wanted us to make the decison wether or not to make her suffer. We called of our family and this week my mom happened to go to Branson for vaction, and my dad works in Pennsylvania and my little sis lives in Dallas. SHe was baptised when my mother arive at about 3:45 pm, then all my aunts and unlces and friends came as we waited for my dad and sis to arrive. I could tell the Gracie just did not feel good and she was holding on to say goodbye to everyone. Her Oxygen dropped into the 30's and her heart rate was in the 50"s as they were preparing for Trevor and I to hold her one last time. My dad and sis arrived at 11:00 and got to spend about two hours with her. Trevor held her then I did. After alll the goodbyes adn a day full of sweet memories we took the ventilator out at 1:48 am and said our good byes to our sweet litle Grace. She went life less fast but her heart did not stop till 15 mins had past then my sweet little one went to see Jesus at 2:12 am on Saturday morning the morning of her aunt's 24th birthday. I knew she was relying on the vent when I realized how fast her heart stopped and how she went life less, I did not want her to suffer. I do have a sense of peace of things know. Her memorial was sunday night and it was so beautifull. Gracie came to me to help me realize i need to take care of my self and then I can try again when we are ready.God works in mysterious ways but I know that Grace was a blessing to our family for the short 7 weeks and 4 days that she lived.Grace Ellen Howard 7-22-08 to 9-13-08

Update from Mama on 9/8/08
We made a big move this week and know we are at Childrens Mercy Hospital so she can be closer to the Cardiologist. She went back on the ventilator and is not maintaining her oxygen levels very well. She needs surgury but they wont consider it till she is 6 lbs at least. The change has been very hard on all of us . We were getting used to the nurses and the schedules and know we have to start all over again. Please continue to pray for us.

Update from Mama on 8/29./08
She is still not doing well on her CPAP and her oxygen keeps falling a lot and they have her all the way at 100% . I was wondering if you could pass my email address on the Benjamins mom so that we could chat a little I have some questions for her. I love the isolettes bumper cards and so do the nurses. Keep us in your prayers please. I am starting to become more and more emotional as the days go on.

Update from Mama on 8/28/08
She is 2 lbs 4 ozs and she is doing just fine they still have her on the CPAP and they have been adjusting her oxygen levels each day she changes a little.No real new news we just have to pray that she keeps gaining weight.

Update from Mama on 8/13/08
Grace had been taking a couple steps back this week. She was placed on a CPAP due to oxygen levels faling a lot and today we found out she has congestive heart failure and her heart in enlarged because it is working to hard. Please keep us in your prayers and we are riding this emotional roller coaster.

Update from Mama on 8/7/08
Grace is 2lbs and 2 oxz and they are still increasing her feedings and will soon take out her IV if she continues to do good with her feedings. She is still having bradycardios when she forgets to breath but she is down to only about three a night. Her oxygen levels fall every once in a while due to the oxygen in her heart mixing together but hopefully she will grow out of both of them. Please continue to pray that her heart gets stronger and that the two holes heal around her due date of October.

Note from Mama -Grace was born on the 22nd of july because I developed precalmpsia and my blood pressure was really high and they had to enduce me because her heart rate went down then they took her emergency cecection at the last minute, because they did not want any more stress for her. I did not know that I had preclampsia and I guesss it was starting to get bad and it is a good thing I started bleeding a little the 17th and went to the hopital to make sure everything was ok. I was checked in and wactched untill they decided to enduce.I held her on Sunday the27th for the first time I tucked her in to my hospital gown and she was like a little papose on my chest it was so awesome, dad held her later that night and then the next day grandma did as well. I am in heaven when I hold her. I am very lucky because she is not on oxygen or a ventalator and so she is breathing on her ownand has been since the second day. I will get a picture soon for you on me and grandma holding her.I would love to share more any time. Chandra Howard

My daughter Grace was born July 22nd at 1lb 15 oz and 13 inches long. She is so small but so precious. She is at St. Lukes on the Plaza. I was just release yesterday to come home. I got to hold Grace for the first time on Sunday and she is know eating a whole tablespoon every three hours She is doing so well. Here is a picture of Grace on the day she was born.

I was told to check out this site by a friend. I want to read more about updates on others and be able to post my story as well .

Chandra Howard

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Baby Benjamin

Last picture (I belive it was for Halloween). Benjamin is doing very well. What a blessing he is :) He is hopefully going to get off of his oxygen soon.

Update 9/15/07 Guess what? Last Saturday when we supposed to bring Little Benji home, he has some issues again with his oxygen, his heart rate went low he is still at the hospital, please help us pray for him, he doesn't have any infection so they don't know what's going on.

Update 9/12/08 Let me tell you that we are so happy because Benjamin is coming home Saturday!!!!
I'll email you again with all the details later on.

Thanks for your prayers again...........


Update 9-1-08 We are very blessed, Benny is on a nasal canula on 0.4 liters! We are progressing well, I am breast feeding once in a while and he is also taking bottle feeds. He now weighs 5 lb 11 oz.
God is Great and we praise him because he has shown us time and time again his mercy.

Update 8-29-08 Benjamin is out of the C-Pap, and he is on high flow (I don't know if I'm writing those word right) we are so happy, he is been doing great!!! He is 5 lb 8 oz today!!!

UPDATE - 8-6-08 Benjamin is up to 4 lbs and is weaning from his ventalitor! YEA

Update 7-27-08 an e-mail updated from his mama

We're at the hospital right now (10:30 pm on the 26th) , and it's Louie's first time to hold Benjamin!!, He is so excited, I took a lot of pictures of my "two men" together.

You are not going to believe how well he is doing, and we for sure now that is just because God is answering the prayers of a lot of people, thank you so much for been one of them and more important, for been one who is encouraging other people to do the same........thank you so much!!! He is breathing better and the Doctor is doing some changes on the ventilator trying to make him breath more by himself, they started yesterday and today at midnight they're going to decrease it a little bit we'll see tomorrow how is he doing.

Take care and again: Thank you for your help and your prayers.


One of our Original Dreemie Preemie's needs our prayers. Baby Benjamin born mid June at 1 lb 12 oz - thankfully now up to about 3 lbs. is still having a very difficult time breathing. Last night he stopped breathing several times and needed several interventions to help. This little guy is strong and a fighter but we all need a bit of help every once in a while and right now Benjamin needs all the prayers we can send up for him.

Thanks for your commitment to pray.