Prayer Blog has MOVED to Face Book

This way everybody can add the latest info. on the preemie's we are praying for. There is nothing better than being able to leave a loving message for a family in the NICU. Face book has allowed that flexibility to stay the most up to date and the most interaction between involved. We would love to have you join our group :)
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Our purpose

The purpose of this blog is to pray for Dreemie Preemies'.
If you have purchased a Dreemie Preemie Scrapbook bundle or even if you have not. We encourage you to post your preemie on this blog. Your baby will be prayed for by our visitors and our dedicated prayer team.

If you would like to be a part of our "Dreemie Preemie Prayer Team" e-mail and she will get your on the notification list.

We take our promise to pray very seriously.

Thank you and hope to hear from you all!

To Post to this Blog

Simply put - Prayer Request to Blog - in subject or your e-mail.

Send your request to and I will make sure it get's added ASAP. (most likely with-in 5 mins).

Feel free to add a picture if you want. We would love to see who we are praying for.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mama Andrea

Posted from Mama Andrea's friend Melissa (1-4-10)

My friend, Andrea, is 35 weeks pregnant with their first child, Cooper. She's had a great pregnancy, with the normal annoyances and thrills. Over the New Year's weekend, she began having some odd pains, as well as some Braxton Hicks-type contractions. She was concerned, but her doctor didn't seem that concerned, so I think she was trying to calm herself with that knowledge, along with the fact that she already had an appointment scheduled for this morning.

I don't know what prompted the doctor to send her to the hospital, but she is now there, being monitored for 24 hours, showing signs of preeclampsia. If the symptoms subside, she will be sent home, but if they persist or worsen, they will induce labor and deliver little Cooper. We all know how each day is so critical for the development of these precious little ones. Please pray for Andrea, her husband, Jason, and little Cooper. Thank you!
